Countdown to madness : 3 days...
I went today with my friend Eric around Quebec by bike, to take some shots close to the St-Lawrence River . The weather was sunny but cold and windy. I took about 92 pictures and retained some 10-12 very nice ones. You can look them on my flickr account >>here<<. Since last week I got a knee problem. It is getting sensitive after 40km. I realized that my seat was a little too low, so I adjusted it. I went to the bike shop to ask them to verify my position, and now it seems ok. I made 72km today and it was not too bad. I hope it will not worsen. [I made 2500km last summer without having any problems, and 1 week before my departure I have to get a sore knee, what the hell is that?].
I am realizing more and more that I will not sleep anymore in my cozy bed for a long time. I enjoy every minute I spend in it, thinking about the tent and the 30 degrees with humidity that I will have to endure at night...Ok I'm sure everything will be alright, and I will enjoy my trip...I just have to focus on good points and forget about the bed and the sore knee.
I talked to a sympathetic "Caracano" (dweller fromCaracas ) called Mirko; he will take me at the airport and bring me to his home, where I am supposed to have a bed, waiting for me. I found him on the Warm Showers website. Once there in Caracas , I will take the time to buy the necessary stuff: The road map, the bencina blanca (camping gas) and the Brazil Visa. I should start to bike around Sunday or Monday.
My plane is scheduled for the 11th at 6h45AM, fromDorval @ Montréal. I will leave with my parents from Québec City around midnight probably, by car.
I wish you the best and don't hesitate to give me news from you, I will often take time to read my emails, probably every weeks. JS
I am realizing more and more that I will not sleep anymore in my cozy bed for a long time. I enjoy every minute I spend in it, thinking about the tent and the 30 degrees with humidity that I will have to endure at night...Ok I'm sure everything will be alright, and I will enjoy my trip...I just have to focus on good points and forget about the bed and the sore knee.
I talked to a sympathetic "Caracano" (dweller from
My plane is scheduled for the 11th at 6h45AM, from
I wish you the best and don't hesitate to give me news from you, I will often take time to read my emails, probably every weeks. JS
Maudit Bed!
Y doit commencer à stresser là!
5/09/2006 1:07 p.m.
Come on mon cheech!! Lache pas!
5/12/2006 9:29 p.m.
Hey there!!! I´m glad to know that everything is going very well ;))) I wish u the best!!!
Enjoy every moment!!!!
5/19/2006 5:58 p.m.
Et bien je vois que c'est bien parti.. intéressant à lire.
je te remercie.
Bonne route
5/22/2006 11:40 a.m.
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