Welcome to my travel blogger. Here you’ll find all the news and updates about my bike trip from Caracas (Venezuela) to Salvador Da Bahia (Brazil). My one-way plane ticket with American Airlines is scheduled for the 11th of May 2006. The main purpose of my trip is to bike and discover. Discover the land and people, put my tent on the people’s ground and spend time with them, trying to improve my Spanish and taking natural pictures.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Countdown to madness : 3 days...

I went today with my friend Eric around Quebec by bike, to take some shots close to the St-Lawrence River. The weather was sunny but cold and windy. I took about 92 pictures and retained some 10-12 very nice ones. You can look them on my flickr account >>here<<. Since last week I got a knee problem. It is getting sensitive after 40km. I realized that my seat was a little too low, so I adjusted it. I went to the bike shop to ask them to verify my position, and now it seems ok. I made 72km today and it was not too bad. I hope it will not worsen. [I made 2500km last summer without having any problems, and 1 week before my departure I have to get a sore knee, what the hell is that?].

I am realizing more and more that I will not sleep anymore in my cozy bed for a long time. I enjoy every minute I spend in it, thinking about the tent and the 30 degrees with humidity that I will have to endure at night...Ok I'm sure everything will be alright, and I will enjoy my trip...I just have to focus on good points and forget about the bed and the sore knee.

I talked to a sympathetic "Caracano" (dweller from Caracas) called Mirko; he will take me at the airport and bring me to his home, where I am supposed to have a bed, waiting for me. I found him on the Warm Showers website. Once there in Caracas, I will take the time to buy the necessary stuff: The road map, the bencina blanca (camping gas) and the Brazil Visa. I should start to bike around Sunday or Monday.

My plane is scheduled for the 11th at 6h45AM, from Dorval @ Montréal. I will leave with my parents from Québec City around midnight probably, by car.

I wish you the best and don't hesitate to give me news from you, I will often take time to read my emails, probably every weeks. JS


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maudit Bed!

Y doit commencer à stresser là!

5/09/2006 1:07 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on mon cheech!! Lache pas!

5/12/2006 9:29 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there!!! I´m glad to know that everything is going very well ;))) I wish u the best!!!

Enjoy every moment!!!!


5/19/2006 5:58 p.m.

Blogger Claude Renault said...

Et bien je vois que c'est bien parti.. intéressant à lire.
je te remercie.
Bonne route

5/22/2006 11:40 a.m.


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